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Three Èldar

Hulda Hákon er en virkelig historieforteller. Men i stedet for å fortelle en historie har hun her skapt en situasjon, en scene hvor fortellinger kan oppstå. Scenen er direkte knyttet til hverdagen, men denne hverdagen kan når som helst få saga-diktningens dimensjoner. Denne plass med ildtunger er et forum hvor det fortelles historier. Samtidig blir man tiltalt av små satser, med helt vanlig hverdagsretorikk gravert på steinplatene som er plassert på marken. Stemmen bak dem er like uhøytidelig som vår egen når vi hilser på naboer og bekjente.

Hulda Hákon is a true storyteller. But, instead of simply telling a tale, here she has created a situation, a stage where narratives can emerge. The scene bears direct links with the everyday, but this everyday can at any time acquire the dimensions of a saga. This place of flames is a forum for the telling of stories. At the same time, we are addressed in brief phrases, in totally ordinary, everyday rhetoric engraved into stone slabs placed on the earth. The voice behind them has the same lack of ceremony with which we greet our neighbours and acquaintances.

Ever since ancient times, fire in the night or in an open fireplace around which we gather has been seen as an invitation to creativity, to images and tales that lie hidden in our memories or in our subconscious. The scene here includes an eternal flame, which leads us into constantly new adventures, in different variations of the seen and experienced that we want to share with each other. An important part of the sculpture is also the intense blue flowers, which when they are in bloom become a highpoint of the sculpture's annual cycle, while remaining a secret for the rest of the year.

Visitors to the scene are invited to take part in the actual creative process, at the same time as they become a part of that scene for others to look at.


  • Completed 1997
  • Varnished stainless steel, granite plates and planted flowers
  • Height 80 cm, granite plates 40 x 40 cm


The sculpture is located in Riverfront Park in Mosjoen center.

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